Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Here goes....

So I have finally began blogging and it’s been along time coming. I have friends who have been blogging for a while and they told me to try it and it would be fun. So here I am.
And yet, as I enter my first posting today, I cannot help notice the similarity between blogging and falling in love ala 5 year old boy.
Kicking the object of your admiration and leaving her crying seemed like such a good idea at the planning stage but now that it has been implemented … all I want to do is run away screaming, it wasn’t me!
So today is a historic day as Kenyans went to the polls to have their say on the constitution and am so proud of how peaceful the process has been.
I have never quite believed that the problem with Kenya has been diversity, we are said to be 42 tribes (has anyone ever actually confirmed that number?), we need to explore that diversity further and exploit it.
Of late it seems like each tribe has a radio station and there have even been calls for banning them as they fan tribal fires … I beg to differ.
Let me explain, I am from the Eastern part of the country and nothing amuses me like listening to someone from another end of the country and I try to translate what they are saying into my Eastern ears. Take for instance a brother from the lakeside in deep prayer to his maker will say “Baba, miya ng’ima (Father, give me life) loosely twisted to my Eastern ears, that person is saying Father, eat the ugali.
A woman from the slopes of Mount Kenya is mutumia and yet if I addressed my Eastern womenfolk like that, they would be offended as I have called all of them men and yes, it will be an insult and not a compliment.
Do not even get me started as to how much fun you can have with the names from different parts of the country….
In fact, me thinks that if you look around you in traffic and you see a couple where the man is driving and the woman is reading the newspaper, most probably poring through the orbituary (why that morbid obsession with that page early in the morning??) their radio is tuned into a radio station in a language they understand but if you see that rare couple laughing and high-fiving each other, that could be my and my hubby, products of the Eastern province tuned into Ramogi fm, from the lakeside and having a a ball!
As we say from the East, tinda nesa (good day) ….of course if you are from Ekegusii that means enjoy your drink!
Blessings to you all.


Cikku said...

People pore through the obituary pages, or as former boyfriend called it, the change of address column - in order to check out where the deceased worked and possibly apply for the now obviously vacant position.

MamaBlog said...


Reminds me of an article I read that gals also use the orbituaries to zero in on poor grieving husbands and then become the shoulder he cries on till he marries her!