Happy 2011!
Am still getting my bearing into this new year albeit slowly. I am done with the annual ritual of setting resolutions that last all of three weeks into the new and then get forgotten just as fast as they were penned…er, if they were penned to begin with.
So this year, I begin this year with a clear picture of what I intend to not do because that is easier. You see most of the things I intend not do already irritate me so much and getting rid of these habits shall not hurt, at least that is the plan.
Back to my 2011 dissillusions:
1)Lose Weight
Did you know that this is one of the world’s most common new year resolution? Think about it, how many times do I start off on a good note but by March my schedule gets too busy to make time to go to the gym or even make time for exercise?
I am rotund and fed up, ok, wellfed but you get my drift.
Well,2011 will be different!
I am willing to give an arm and a leg to lose weight…, er wait, if I lose an arm and a leg, I will have lost weight right?
Hhmm, fastest weight loss plan I have ever had.
2)Customer Service
Why do organizations hire a whole bunch of people, call them customer service department, agent or team member and not follow up to ensure that this people actually provide service to customers? Shouldn’t they just change that department and give it the more apt, Customer Disservice?
In 2011, I shall deal with Customer Disservice staff using my secret weapon discovered late in 2010. When I am going to sort out an issue that they have been tossing me back and forth about, I visit the head office, carry a thick novel, am talking 1000 pages here. When they say that your case will take some time, a week at least, to resolve, calmly say that is ok, I will wait and whip out your novel. They get so shocked and sort you out in 10 minutes flat. Now you realize that the novel is not for reading it is simply a prop!
3)Daylight Robbery
If you were hoping that this is where I go on and on about the state of insecurity in our country, er wrong blog. I am ranting and raving about more organized crime ... the banks. How do you explain the fact that they built banking halls with up to 6 counters for tellers but only open 2! Time is money and they are stealing my time and do not even get me started on how stuffy the banking halls can get due to the heat.How do they expect me to bank with no air? Or is it a conspiracy to deprive my brain of the energy to even complain?
Before you judge me for not using the atm for my transactions, I have genuine concerns about this. A certain bank I know has G4S guards at the atm machines and they have put up a notice saying that if you have any trouble using the machine, do not ask a stranger, ask the G4S guards on duty. Now given the reputation these guards have, would I not be better off in the hands of a stranger from mars?
I have decided to resolve the bank issue by opening a ground fund. I simply bury my money underground. No withdrawal costs. Open 24-7. No queues. No nothing. And since am the bank manager, we already have a great relationship, huh!
So what disillusions are you harboring this year? Remember the road to disillusions was once paved with good intentions!
Blessings y’all!
Ha! Ati disillusions! I stopped writing resolutions years ago... tho i do like the disillusions idea.. mmh.
@ Ndindi,disillusions are the new resolutions :-)
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