I have been blogging for the last eight months or so and it is something I have really been enjoying doing. Starting was darn hard because you see am not this IT savvy gal and the even the language was enough to get one lost.
For some reason “blog” does not always sound like something one should do in public … sounds like one of those things where we all know everyone does it and in fact if you were not doing it, you would go see a doctor to make sure there is no blogage, er, blockage.
So before actually starting my blog I decided to join a virtual community of bloggers just to get the hang of it.
It sounded like fun and hey, am as friendly as they next gal so I jumped in with all the gusto I could muster. You do realize that when you are my size, “jumping in with gusto…” is something one can only do virtually once in a while.
Well, for some reason this gal (well that is what her profile said) began to chat with me. I was excited, I had only been online for 30 minutes and someone was already chatting with me! Forget that she was Ursula in Czech Republic and it was 3.17am their time… it was a live person, er, they do not have computers that can self-chat yet do they?
Well, our conversation did not last long as you will see.
Ursula : Hey!
Me: Hey!
Ursula: Welcome on board
Me: Thanks
Ursula : So you blog, wow, am starting next week. URL?
Me: (Blushing slightly) Actually my weight fluctuates a lot so thanks but am really and XXL.
Ursula: (looooong pause)
Me: You still there?
Me: RUL? I would like to become an L at some point. Been going to the gym, watching what I eat and I have moved from being an XXXL.
Well, next thing I knew, I received an email from someone who identified himself at Chat Room Administrator ….who he stated, coldly I may add ... that it would seem I am not an intellectually good match for the kind of stimulating interaction they offer and I need to find a chat room that allows minimal cranial development for uniquely fortuned individual on an alternative career path who may or may not be chemically inconvinieced.
A week later I realized he meant that I needed to look for a chat room that allowed stupidity for losers who may or may not be stoned!!
Well, this gal was not discouraged and so I went ahead and began blogging and even invited people to watch me blog and I have not yet been arrested for blogging in public!!
By the way, the email from the so-called Chat Room Administrator was all in capital letters...is that bloggiquette?
Blessings y’all!
Lol ati Blog does not sound like something one should do in public. That cracked me up. And that URL ish.
But enyewe blog does sound an ugly word.
Glad to discover your blog.
Shiko - Msa,
Karibu sana ...when I grow up I want to be a veteran blogger like you:-)
Hehehe. Most bloggers have a rough start but yours is harsh. Please keep blogging :)
@ Edwin, thanks for visiting ...and yes, we blog to express ourselves.
Joy you are special...
@Twechpapa, karibu :-)
I read this blog in April and it cracked me up thoroughly! Of late I have been feeling the need to vent somehow...I have alot to say but no outlet.Then today I remembered a 'blog page' I created sometime back for this exact reason but abondoned 5 minutes later having realized just how IT challenged I was.Today I attempted to revive it and learnt that I havent learnt much(or anything) since my last failed attempt.So I opted to read your blogs instead.Its soooo good to be reminded that am not the only one having a hard start.Cracked me up just as much!Your blogs have been the highlight of my day today.Thanks :-)
@ Tina, comments like yours are all the reason I need to keep blogging. If just 1 person can read my posts and smiles because their hope is stirred... then that post has done its purpose. Start baby gal start.
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